Paul’s Compositions and Arrangements
Here are some samples of some of my recent work. MacPherson’s Lament is a freebie, so it’s here in its entirety; the others are first-page samples. Prices given are in Canadian funds; you can place an order by contacting me at the e-mail given here. Payments made via PayPal are quite acceptable – e-mail me (, and we’ll discuss it.
New Additions, as of May 2013
In keeping with one of my pet themes (Multi-level balance), I’m pleased to present two new arrangements meant for the multi-level guitar ensemble program:
- Land of the Silver Birch (Quintet)
- Babylon (Sextet)
Each arrangement has a part that’s accessible for the mid/late Suzuki Book 1 student (Pre-Twinkle kids can play on two of them quite successfully); other parts are intended to challenge students who have attained higher levels of playing and reading. – $10 for pdf’s of full score and parts.

Carillon (Quartet)
An upper-intermediate piece that can also accommodate a lower-level ensemble – $10 for pdf’s of full score and parts
- Guitar Solo
- Fair One
As indicated in the liner notes of the CD, writing pieces for pretty girls is almost a rite of passage for young male guitarists – so this is a piece for a pretty girl. – $5 for full pdf
Guitar Ensemble
- MacPherson’s Lament, for Guitar Quartet
I remember a Halifax-based Celtic band called Rawlin’s Cross performing this piece in 1990, when I was still at UPEI. It’s stuck with me ever since. This one’s on the house, so enjoy!
- “A Millenial Jig”, from the trio collection, My Ensemble Needs Stuff to Play!! $10 for full pdf
The pragmatically-titled MENStP!! originated a few years back, when I needed repertoire for a four-member guitar ensemble of widely-varying ability levels. As has been the case for most of my subsequent guitar ensemble compositions, this was meant to fill a need for repertoire that balanced easy parts for the newbies with more challenging parts for the seasoned players.
- Doorbell Chorale (Quartet)
- Dockside (Trio)
- Dunnoyet (Trio)
The above three are from a three-volume collection called Young Guitars Together. I composed and compiled these pieces for a project study I did as part of my Masters’ Degree. Again, I strive for multi-level balance between the parts. The accompaniments are there for the teacher to play, in the event that s/he doesn’t have enough players of a high enough level to cover all parts. The entire collection consists of ten pieces, divided into three volumes – $10 for V1, seven each for V2 and V3, or $20 for all three purchased together.