Happy Summer Solstice, my friends; Happy National Indigenous Peoples Day to all, particularly to those of you who claim First Nations ancestry.
The first item of business today is the new abode: thanks to the greatly-appreciated assistance of my good friends John Blyth and Bruce Shavers, the move into the new Guitar Shack is complete. A week and a half later, sufficient order was found amongst the chaos to allow the new pad to host its first guitar lesson. Behold the room that will become the new Saturday morning teaching space:

And speaking of guitar instruction: Are you a western Manitoba parent who wishes your child to develop the gift of musical know-how, and do you want the classical guitar to be the instrument to make it happen? Heck, maybe you even want to study the guitar yourself! Brandon is home to one of Canada’s most experienced and highly-trained guitar teachers, a pedagogue who specializes in the instruction of young children (but teaches students of all ages) – furthermore, he’s accepting new students for September. Not living in the Westman region, but are still interested in lessons? I can accommodate – remote teaching remains a viable possibility in this post-COVID era. I wouldn’t expect the empty slots in my schedule to remain that way for long, so avoid disappointment and e-mail madryga@brandonu.ca today!
All the best for the summer, mes amis – may it be everything you hoped for and more. Peace and kindness;